12. Aletta Ocean
- December 14, 1987
- 36 years old
- 1.73m
- Hungary
- Her horoscope is Sagittarius ♐
- She's got 4.9M followers on Instagram
- Aletta Ocean's zodiac sign is sagittarius
14. Valentina Nappi
- November 6, 1990
- 33 years old
- 1.65m
- Italy
- Her horoscope is Sagittarius ♐
- She's got 4.3M followers on Instagram
- Valentina Nappi's zodiac sign is sagittarius
- The color of Valentina Nappi's hair is black
15. Rachel Starr
- November 26, 1983
- 40 years old
- 1.63m
- United States
- Rachel her nickname is: Rachelstarrxxx
- Her horoscope is Sagittarius ♐
- She's got 4.6M followers on Instagram
- Rachel Starr's zodiac sign is sagittarius
- The color of Rachel Starr's hair is brunette
35. Joslyn James
- November 22, 1977
- 46 years old
- 1.63m
- United States
- Her horoscope is Sagittarius ♐
- She's got 1.3M followers on Instagram
- Joslyn James's zodiac sign is sagittarius
36. Lena Paul
- December 10, 1993
- 30 years old
- 1.63m
- United States
- Lena her nickname is: Lenapaul
- Her horoscope is Sagittarius ♐
- She's got 127K followers on Instagram
- She's got 5.6K followers on Fancentro
- Lena Paul's zodiac sign is sagittarius
- The color of Lena Paul's hair is blond
41. Mini Tinah
- 1.55m
- United States
- Mini her nickname is: Minitinah
- She's got 865K followers on Instagram
- Unfortunately we don't know her zodiac because we don't know her birthday, please suggest itto us if you know it!
- The color of Mini Tinah's hair is black