Welcome to Rachel's very own profile page! All info you should know about this pretty babe you can find here, like:
- The hottest photos and videos
- Most frequently asked questions
- Information about her zodiac
- Reviews by the community
- Social Media info
- Her looks
Rachel's BIO
She is from Canada, so you need to study English and French if you ever have the chance to speak to her. If you're looking for more of the sexiest babes this nation has to offer, we've got you covered, check out our finest listed Canadian babes.
About her Horoscope
Her zodiac sign is Taurus. A thing to mention about this horoscope:
They can be the best party partners but also the most understanding shoulder to cry on.Source: thehoroscope.co/taurus
Her horoscope attributes according to her astrology sign:
- Color - Green
- Element - Earth
- Flower - Poppy
- Fragrance - Sandalwood
- Lucky day - Friday
- Motto - I own
Positive trait
Sometimes they incline to dwell in past behaviors and are also very materialistic. Taurus weaknesses include laziness and indecisiveness.
Negative trait
Taurus qualities include dependability, affection and trustworthiness. These people are not only very ambitious but they also like to be those people who finish what they start no matter how many hardships they encounter on their way.
Neutral trait
Some other Taurus traits include determination and a practical approach to life. Tauruses like owning as many material possessions as possible and having friends around at all times.
Looks & Measurements
Rachel has got humble brown eyes. Brown eyed girls, like Van Morrisson sings are said to be polite and caring people. A weakness of babes with brown eyes is that in their lovelife they are prone to take a backseat for their dear ones. The color of her hair is brunette. Obviously this is pure personal preference too, but statistics show that brunette babes are among the most beautiful of the world. Rachel is quite tall in size with 5ft 9.
Rachel Ballinger on social media
What do you think?Do you enjoy this girl? Make sure to give her a review, for the love of babes around the world! Our mission is to spot, curate and display the absolute best and cutest babes in the industry and we could use your assistance to continuously improve our database. External sources:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ thehoroscope.co/taurus
Where is Rachel Ballinger from?
Rachel Ballinger is from Canada
Does Rachel Ballinger have a nickname?
Rachel Ballinger does have a nickname, it's Missrballer
What is Rachel Ballinger's birthday?
Rachel Ballinger's birthday is 0000-00-00
What is Rachel Ballinger's profession?
Rachel Ballinger is a(n) youtuber
What is Rachel Ballinger's sexual orientation?
Unfortunately we don't know her sexual orientation,
please suggest itto us if you know it! -
Which Zodiac sign does Rachel Ballinger have?
Rachel Ballinger's zodiac sign is taurus
What is the color of Rachel Ballinger's hair?
The color of Rachel Ballinger's hair is brunette
What is the color of Rachel Ballinger's eyes?
Rachel Ballinger's eye color is brown
What is the size of Rachel Ballinger's boobs?
Unfortunately we don't know her boobsize,
please suggest itto us if you know it! -
What is Rachel Ballinger's ethnicity?
We don't know Rachel Ballinger's exact ethnicity,
please let us know! -
What is Rachel Ballinger's body type?
We don't know Rachel Ballinger's bodytype,
please let us know! -
What is Rachel Ballinger's height?
Rachel Ballinger's height is 1.75m
What is Rachel Ballinger's weight?
Unfortunately we don't know her weight,
please let us knowif you do! -
Does Rachel Ballinger have tattoos?
Unfortunately we don't know her tattoos,
please let us knowif you do! -
Does Rachel Ballinger have piercings?
Unfortunately we don't know her piercings,
please let us knowif you do! -
Are Rachel Ballinger's boobs real?
Rachel Ballinger's boobs are real (if you think we made a mistake,
please suggest an edit) -
Does Rachel Ballinger have a relationship?
Unfortunately we don't know her current relationship status,
please let us knowif you do! -
What sports does Rachel Ballinger play?
We don't know what sport she plays,
please let us know -
What's Rachel Ballinger's Instagram?
No Rachel Ballinger does not have an Instagram. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
What's Rachel Ballinger's Twitter?
No Rachel Ballinger does not have a Twitter account. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
What's Rachel Ballinger's Youtube channel?
No Rachel Ballinger does not have a Youtube channel. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
Does Rachel Ballinger have a Facebook account
No Rachel Ballinger does not have a Facebook page. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
What's Rachel Ballinger's Snapchat?
No Rachel Ballinger does not have a Snapchat tag. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
Does Rachel Ballinger have a Chaturbate channel
No Rachel Ballinger does not have a Chaturbate channel. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
Does Rachel Ballinger have an OnlyFans account
No Rachel Ballinger does not have an OnlyFans account. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake)