Gloria Trevi

  • Birthday February 15
  • Age 54 years old
  • Birthplace Mexico
  • instagram 4.9M
Gloria Trevi

Welcome to Gloria's very own profile page! Everything you would like to know about this hot babe you can find here, like:

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Gloria's BIO

Gloria is 53 years old. A beautiful middle aged lady. She's born on the 15th of February. She is from Mexico, so you need to study Spanish if you ever get to speak to this babe. Should you be looking for more of the sexiest babes this country has to offer, then you've got to check out our top listed Mexican babes.

About her Horoscope

Her horoscope sign is Aquarius. A thing to mention about this horoscope:

When they commit to someone, they seem to put a lot of interest and attention to making their relationship work.

Her horoscope elements according to her astrology sign:

  • Color - Blue- green
  • Element - Air
  • Flower - Orchid
  • Fragrance - Lavender
  • Lucky day - Tuesday
  • Motto - I know

Positive trait

Learning when to stop dwelling in past mistakes or in their own faults and weaknesses is one thing Aquarius needs to do.

Negative trait

Aquarius qualities include them being sociable and their broad minds, interested in learning new things. They not only have a pleasing personality but they are also quick to catch new information and are also altruistic enough to share what they know with those around them.

Neutral trait

Aquarius people hate routine and anything that has to do with predictability. They try to stay away from people whom disagree with their ideas and anything that can possibly limit their actions.

Looks & Measurements

Gloria has got hazel eyes. What do you think about her eyes? The color of her hair is brunette. Obviously this is pure personal preference too, but statistics show that brunettes are among the prettiest of the world. Gloria her ethnicity is latina. Latin girls are females which describe a population of people that live in the United States with cultural ties to Latin America, but the expression is used more broadly to outline people that live in Latin America too. If you like these types of chicks, make sure to check out our toplisted hottest latina babes in the world. Gloria is small in size with 0ft 0.

What happened on her birthday?

Event that happened on her birthday in 1991

The Visegrad Agreement, establishing cooperation to move toward free-market systems, is signed by the leaders of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland


Gloria Trevi on social media

What do you think?Do you enjoy this girl? Make sure to give her a review, for the love of babes around the world! Our mission is to find, curate and display the absolute best and hottest babes in the industry and we could use your assistance to continuously improve the database. External

Name Gloria Trevi
Birthcountry Mexico
Birthday February 15, 1970
Profession Singer
Horoscope Aquarius
Hair Brunette
Eyes Hazel
Ethnicity Latina


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