Welcome to Emilyortiz's very own profile page! All you should know about this cute babe you can find here, like:
- The cutest photos and videos
- Most frequently asked questions
- Information about her horoscope
- Community rating
- Social Media info
- Her looks
Emilyortiz's BIO
Emilyortiz is 22 years young. An amazing middle aged lady. Emilyortiz saw daylight on the 15th of August. She is from Colombia, so you will have to study Spanish if you ever have the chance to speak to this babe. Should you be looking for more of the hottest babes this country has to offer, we've got you covered, check out our finest listed Colombian babes.
About her Horoscope
Her zodiac is Leo. One thing to mention about this horoscope:
There are three Leo decans, each with their own influence on the personality of those born during them. Birthday dates ranging from July 23 to August 1 are placed in the first decan that is governed by the Sun.Source: thehoroscope.co/leo
Her horoscope elements according to her astrology sign:
- Color - Orange
- Element - Fire
- Flower - Sunflower
- Fragrance - Cinnamon
- Lucky day - Sunday
- Motto - I want
Positive trait
They are rigid and egotistic as they seem to believe they are the only ones capable of delivering great ideas and decisions. They are sometimes lazy and reluctant and would dream to be offered everything on a golden plate, just because they deserve it.
Negative trait
Leo qualities are represented by the fact they emotionally strong and very progressive. They are the visionaries of today and the motivators of tomorrow.
Neutral trait
Those born between July 23 and August 22 are for a good reason considered the rulers of the zodiac. They are ambitious, romantic and stubborn about all life matters
Looks & Measurements
Emilyortiz has got humble brown eyes. Brown eyed girls, like Van Morrisson sings are said to be independent and fun-loving people. A flaw of babes with brown eyes is that in their lovelife they tend to take a backseat for their loved ones. Her haircolor is brunette. Obviously this is pure personal preference too, but statistics show that brunettes are among the prettiest of the world. What about this stunning babe her boobsize? If you're into sexy girls with medium sized boobs then you will definitely enjoy this babe. Emilyortiz her ethnicity is latina. Latin girls are females which describe a population of people that live in the United States with cultural ties to Latin America, but the term is used more broadly to describe people that live in Latin America too. If you love these types of babes, make sure to check out our toplisted cutest latina babes in the world. Emilyortiz is small in size with 0ft 0.
News when she was born
News on her birthday in the year 1996
Bob Dole is nominated for President of the United States, and Jack Kemp for vice president, at the Republican National Convention in San Diego, California
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996
Emilyortiz on social media
Emilyortiz is on social media.. For sexy content of this babe you better make sure to check out her Instagram. You can also find her on twitter if you're more into that platform.. Unfortunately she's not on Youtube. But make sure to check out her personal links for all platforms down below in the wiki.
What do you think?
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External sources:
Emilyortiz on Chaturbate
Sign up for freeSee Emilyortiz (emilyortiz_) perform live on cam through Chaturbate!
Emilyortiz on OnlyFans
SubscribeGet up close and personal with Emilyortiz (emilyortiz) through her OnlyFans
Where is Emilyortiz from?
Emilyortiz is from Colombia
Does Emilyortiz have a nickname?
Emilyortiz does have a nickname, it's Emilyortiz_
What is Emilyortiz's birthday?
Emilyortiz's birthday is 1999-08-15
What is Emilyortiz's profession?
Emilyortiz is an adult model (let us know if we made a mistake,
suggest an edit) -
What is Emilyortiz's sexual orientation?
Unfortunately we don't know her sexual orientation,
please suggest itto us if you know it! -
Which Zodiac sign does Emilyortiz have?
Emilyortiz's zodiac sign is leo
What is the color of Emilyortiz's hair?
The color of Emilyortiz's hair is brunette
What is the color of Emilyortiz's eyes?
Emilyortiz's eye color is brown
What is the size of Emilyortiz's boobs?
We don't keep track of exact boobsize, we just know they are medium
What is Emilyortiz's ethnicity?
Emilyortiz's ethinicity is latina
What is Emilyortiz's body type?
We don't know Emilyortiz's bodytype,
please let us know! -
What is Emilyortiz's height?
Unfortunately we don't know her height,
please let us knowif you do! -
What is Emilyortiz's weight?
Unfortunately we don't know her weight,
please let us knowif you do! -
Does Emilyortiz have tattoos?
Unfortunately we don't know her tattoos,
please let us knowif you do! -
Does Emilyortiz have piercings?
Unfortunately we don't know her piercings,
please let us knowif you do! -
Are Emilyortiz's boobs real?
Emilyortiz's boobs are real (if you think we made a mistake,
please suggest an edit) -
Does Emilyortiz have a relationship?
Unfortunately we don't know her current relationship status,
please let us knowif you do! -
What sports does Emilyortiz play?
We don't know what sport she plays,
please let us know -
What's Emilyortiz's Instagram?
Emilyortiz does! Her Instagram tag is: https://www.instagram.com/wickedbabietv/ check her out
What's Emilyortiz's Twitter?
Emilyortiz does! Her Twitter tag is: https://twitter.com/wickedbabietv check her out
What's Emilyortiz's Youtube channel?
No Emilyortiz does not have a Youtube channel. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
Does Emilyortiz have a Facebook account
No Emilyortiz does not have a Facebook page. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
What's Emilyortiz's Snapchat?
No Emilyortiz does not have a Snapchat tag. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
Does Emilyortiz have a Chaturbate channel
Emilyortiz does! Her Chaturbate channel is: https://chaturbate.com/emilyortiz_/ check her out
Does Emilyortiz have an OnlyFans account
Emilyortiz does! Her OnlyFans account is: https://onlyfans.com/emilyortiz check her out