Welcome to Chaneljj's personal profile page! All you would like to know about this pretty babe you can find here, like:
- The cutest photos and videos
- List of FAQs
- Biography
- Information about her horoscope
- Quality rating
- Social Media info
- Looks and measurements
Chaneljj's BIO
Chaneljj is 24 years young. A beautiful average aged lady. She's born on the 6th of February. She is from Bulgaria, so you better study Bulgarian if you ever have the chance to speak to her. Should you be looking for more of the cutest babes this country has to offer, we've got you covered, check out our greatest listed Bulgarian babes.
About her Horoscope
Her horoscope is Pisces. A thing to mention about this horoscope:
Pisces birth dates ranging from March 11 to March 20 are placed in the third decan that is influenced by the planet Pluto.Source: thehoroscope.co/pisces
Her horoscope attributes according to her astrology sign are the following:
- Color - Turquoise
- Element - Water
- Flower - Water Lily
- Fragrance - Rosemary
- Lucky day - Thursday
- Motto - I believe
Positive trait
The one weakness most Pisces fight against is being prone to gloom and melancholy as they to combine moments when they are feeling pessimistic with moments of introspection and of course nothing good will come out of this habit.
Negative trait
A successful Pisces knows how to make use of their innovative and idealistic natures to bring progress around them.
Neutral trait
The natives born between February 19 and March 20 are for a good reason known as the creators of the zodiac. They are enthusiastic and independent learners but also very creative people in different fields of activity.
Looks & Measurements
Chaneljj has got humble brown eyes. Brown eyed girls, like Van Morrisson sings are said to be polite and easy going people. A flaw of babes with brown eyes is that in their lovelife they tend to take a backseat for their dear ones. Her haircolor is brunette. Obviously this is pure personal preference too, but statistics show that brunette babes are among the prettiest of the world. What about this cute babe her boobsize? If you're into hot girls with medium sized boobs then you will surely enjoy this babe. Chaneljj her ethnicity is caucasian. If you like these types of chicks, make sure to check out our toplisted favourite caucasian babes in the world. Chaneljj is small in size with 0ft 0.
News when she was born
Event that happened on her birthday in the year 1983
Klaus Barbie is officially charged with war crimes
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983
Chaneljj on social media
Chaneljj is on social media.. For sexy photos & videos of this babe you better make sure to check out her Instagram. . Unfortunately she's not on Youtube. But make sure to check out her personal links for all platforms down below in the wiki.
What do you think?
Do you enjoy this chick? Make sure to give her a review, for the love of babes around the world! Our mission is to find, curate and display the absolute best and cutest babes in the industry and we could use your assistance to continuously improve the directory.
External sources:
Chaneljj on Chaturbate
Sign up for freeSee Chaneljj (chaneljj) perform live on cam through Chaturbate!
Chaneljj on OnlyFans
SubscribeGet up close and personal with Chaneljj (chaneljj) through her OnlyFans
Where is Chaneljj from?
Chaneljj is from Bulgaria
Does Chaneljj have a nickname?
Chaneljj does have a nickname, it's Chaneljj
What is Chaneljj's birthday?
Chaneljj's birthday is 1997-02-06
What is Chaneljj's profession?
Chaneljj is an adult model (let us know if we made a mistake,
suggest an edit) -
What is Chaneljj's sexual orientation?
Unfortunately we don't know her sexual orientation,
please suggest itto us if you know it! -
Which Zodiac sign does Chaneljj have?
Chaneljj's zodiac sign is pisces
What is the color of Chaneljj's hair?
The color of Chaneljj's hair is brunette
What is the color of Chaneljj's eyes?
Chaneljj's eye color is brown
What is the size of Chaneljj's boobs?
We don't keep track of exact boobsize, we just know they are medium
What is Chaneljj's ethnicity?
Chaneljj's ethinicity is caucasian
What is Chaneljj's body type?
We don't know Chaneljj's bodytype,
please let us know! -
What is Chaneljj's height?
Unfortunately we don't know her height,
please let us knowif you do! -
What is Chaneljj's weight?
Unfortunately we don't know her weight,
please let us knowif you do! -
Does Chaneljj have tattoos?
Unfortunately we don't know her tattoos,
please let us knowif you do! -
Does Chaneljj have piercings?
Unfortunately we don't know her piercings,
please let us knowif you do! -
Are Chaneljj's boobs real?
Chaneljj's boobs are real (if you think we made a mistake,
please suggest an edit) -
Does Chaneljj have a relationship?
Unfortunately we don't know her current relationship status,
please let us knowif you do! -
What sports does Chaneljj play?
We don't know what sport she plays,
please let us know -
What's Chaneljj's Instagram?
No Chaneljj does not have an Instagram. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
What's Chaneljj's Twitter?
No Chaneljj does not have a Twitter account. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
What's Chaneljj's Youtube channel?
No Chaneljj does not have a Youtube channel. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
Does Chaneljj have a Facebook account
No Chaneljj does not have a Facebook page. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
What's Chaneljj's Snapchat?
No Chaneljj does not have a Snapchat tag. Not to our recollection (
please let us knowif we made a mistake) -
Does Chaneljj have a Chaturbate channel
Chaneljj does! Her Chaturbate channel is: https://chaturbate.com/chaneljj/ give her a follow
Does Chaneljj have an OnlyFans account
Chaneljj does! Her OnlyFans account is: https://onlyfans.com/chaneljj give her a follow